Wednesday 2 July 2014

Travel Skin Care

The first thing to do is to apologise for my absence, I have been on holiday for just over a week and I have been without Internet for the majority of that time and as I though I wasn't going to have internet I did take my ipad with me, so blogging had to take a back seat and it was nice to have a break as well anyway on to what this post is about my travel skin care.

So the frist thing I packed was a recent purchase of mine and it was the body shop camomile silky cleansing oil which is really great at taking your makeup off and cleansing and great for when you are in a caravan bathroom. And I plan on reviewing is when I have been using it a little longer. 

The second thing I packed was my one touch spot treatment as I had some breakouts before I left so I took this just in case and it really did help to reduce how red my spots were, although it did take a few days it didn't feel like it was drying out the skin surrounding said spot. 

I also took my body shop Seaweed toner which I have but in a spray bottle as it make it much quicker to use, and I do like using this. 

I also took my Nivea oil free moisturising day cream which I have used for a long time now and does he to keep my oily skin under control, which is also great when it is hot as my skin can go into over drive. 

And for my night time moisturiser I took my Body Shop Vitamin E Night Cream and my Vitamin E serum in oil which is great and I love using this as they both help to hydrate my skin which although I am oily it can get very dehydrated so I do sometimes need to give it a moisture boost. 

I have to say when I go away I don't really take face masks with me as I don't really have a lot of time or space to use them so when I get back I will normally use them slightly more to make up for it 

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